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RackN makes no warranties or claims regarding use of the community portal or Digital Rebar software in any way. By using the software, you accept the terms of use and licenses.
Digital Rebar Provision (DRP) does not automatically download any materials and does not require an internet connection. It is designed as a stand alone service configured by API. The DRP service and DRP CLI are Apache 2 licensed (APL) open source components.
RackN is not able to connect directly to any on-premises DRP service and there is no "phone home" capability embedded into the Endpoint service. Users are responsible for maintaining their own security. This does not apply to the RackN UX which requires an access to RackN services.
Content uploaded into Digital Rebar Provision (DRP) may operate under different licenses and it not automatically governed by the APL. This allows users to create site specific content and to purchase licensed content from vendors. When uploading content, it is the user's responsibility to ensure they have complied with the relevant content licenes.
DRP content offered by the community portal is maintained in the Digital Rebar github.
This portal is maintained by RackN as a community service for Digital Rebar Provision (DRP) users. The portal allows users to connect to the open source DRP API; however, the code of the web portal is not open source.
Unauthenticated users of the portal are not covered by the RackN terms-of-use or warrenties. RackN makes an effort to ensure that community users do not upload non-API content; consequently, RackN does not offer restricted use license content to unauthenticated users. While we make every attempt to ensure this practice is maintained, users are responsible for all content uploaded to their DRP servers. RackN does not make any guarentees about the licenses of uploaded content.
The RackN community portal is a hosted service and does monitor activity of users on the service. This data is collected to help improve the user experience and alert users when they are consuming out-of-date code, content and plug-ins. We do not collect identifying information about community users unless they elect to register.
The community portal is offered without any support or availability commitments. RackN participates in the community channels and is happy to engage with users there with questions, bugs and feature requests.